Sunday, August 22, 2010

Taking charge of my fertility

Let me just say that we are NOT trying to get pregnant.  Our goal is to not get pregnant.  I've been on hormonal birth control for many years and I feel like it's time to rid my body of synthetic chemicals.  No more adderall and no more birth control.

Well, no more birth control in the traditional sense of the word.  We are taking charge of my fertility with the help of the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM).

Taking Charge of Your Fertility: The definitive guide to natural birth control.  I end the title there simply because that's what I'm using it for.  I've only just started reading the book and I'm finding it very interesting.  Mike and I have several friends who have been unable to conceive and more than one of them struggle with not knowing WHY they can't. One of our dearest friends says the hardest part for them, is there is no medical explanation as to why they can't get pregnant.  Not knowing must be torture.  It hurts my heart to think about it.

I think it's interesting that most doctors still go by the 28 day cycle rule and therefore do so many of the tests based on ovulation taking place at 14 days.  28 day cycles are not "the norm" and therefore most testing done isn't very accurate.  I also am amazed that many women get pregnant and miscarry pretty regularly.  The only way they would know if this was the case was if they were charting the basal body temperatures.

All this time I always thought fertility was based on our eggs... not our cervical fluid.  I mean, yes, it's a combination of the two but the fluid is so important.

I'm on fluid watch for sure, from here on out.

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