Saturday, October 30, 2010

I busted out the laptop for this one

A few weeks ago, Mike spilled water on all of my electronics.  Each one at different times.  It still makes me laugh.  My iPod survived but my lap top is sort of on the fritz and I had to get a new blue tooth ear piece.

A new Macbook wasn't really in our budget and I've been wanting an iPad so I went for that instead.  My real reason for wanting an iPad was so that I could take it the gym.  If I can easily read or maybe watch some Netflix while I'm doing cardio,  I might stay on more than 30 minutes.  Truthfully, I've only tested this out 2 times.  One time, I did a full hour, the other I got hungry and still needed to go tanning so I left after 5 minutes of cardio.  In my defense, I had worked out with my trainer for 30 minutes prior so it wasn't a total wash.

It's not quite so easy to blog from an iPad.  I need to get that handy little keyboard thing and maybe I'll get more done.  Anyway, if you notice lots of typos and instead of spaces between words, there is the letter n... well, now you know why.  I try to fix it but sometimes I don't catch it.

Anyway, the point of this post was to say Thank YOU to my friends and family who reached out to me.  Tabitha, I even want to thank you for saying something when I said not to.  I know you couldn't see behind my giant sunglasses but I was crying and not in a bad way.  Also, thank you for encouraging me to doing the stairs two at a time.  I'm sorry I didn't join you guys for dinner but my head was killing me.

My family.... my family wasn't much on talking about things.  I love my mother dearly and maybe it was because she had me so young but we just didn't talk about feelings.  I remember, as a teen, telling her I was sad or upset about a friend or boyfriend and her just telling me I'd get over it.  It's not the end of the world.  And I 100% know that she was right.  It wasn't the end of the world when Jaclyn and I got in to that huge fight about I don't even know what.  Guess what?  We're still friends.  We got over it.

At the same time though, I think it would of been nice to have been able to talk about why I was hurting.  To have someone show compassion about why I was feeling the way I did.  Yeah, it sucked when Justin and I broke up and I got over it but I felt like me having those feelings weren't justified.  Or real.

I deal with not being able to talk about how I feel all the time.  I feel like my feelings don't matter.  and they do.  They 100% do.  I'm just so afraid that if I voice the way I feel, that it'll be brushed under the rug as not a big deal.  And maybe they aren't in the big scheme of things, but right then, they feel real.

Everything is temporary.  Nothing is forever.  I learn how to work through issues day to day.  Sometimes I wish these lessons were easier to learn but if they were..... would we really learn?

I had such a great day today.  I did not make it out for a swim.  I have the gym on my list tomorrow.  I actually wrote out a list of things to do instead of making it my head.  I make so many lists at work that I almost refuse to do it at home.  That hasn't really gotten me very far though so here's to trying something new.

Gym - Swim?  I've had some paddles that I want to work out with.
Tan - I know it's bad but it really makes me feel so much better and yes I could do it at the beach, but I'm not such a fan of the sand.  or being in a bikini.  haha.
Clean the floors - Mike will be floored if I do this (pun intended)
Laundry - I feel like shopping instead so we'll see.

Friday, October 29, 2010


If you know me in real life, let's not talk about me being sad. I'm too proud to ever admit it in person.

I'm sad. And I don't feel like I should be. I have a fantastic life. I would not change anything at all. . I should of taken Mike up on his offer to send me to Austin for the weekend. Stupid reasons swayed my decision to not go.

I've gotten in to a slump when Mike leaves. When I first started this blog, I was so motivated. He would leave and I was all over the place and ready to prove my independence. Only something changed and I gave up. Maybe the first few weeks I was still coming off the adderrall so I still had that drug fueled drive?

I have drive when Mike is here though so it doesn't make much sense to me. I don't want to be that codependent person who needs someone to drive her to do things. I can be active on my own.

I have this habit of not asking people to do things because I have already come up with reasons why they don't want to hang out with me. It takes me a lot of courage to reach out to someone. If they say they are busy, it crushes me. Why didn't I ask earlier? I think of a million reasons why they don't want to be around me. It's stupid.

I've been watching myself go to this place. It's a place I don't want to go.

When Mike started traveling, everybody was so worried about me. I scoffed at the suggestion that maybe I'd be lonely without him. I'm a strong, independent woman who values her alone time! But maybe I've had too much alone time?

I bet a lot of wives would love to have a few weekends a month to do their own thing!

Anyway, I'm at the fork in the road. One way leads me to darkness and the other has hope. One is the easy place and one forces me to face my fears.

I've reached out to some people tonight. There is a 90% chance they will be busy tomorrow morning and I realize that has nothing to do with me as a person. If they are busy, I will go for a swim tomorrow.

I have to break the cycle.


They are something we all have.

I remember being at my great grandmothers house one summer and seeing a photo of an Aunt. The aunt looked totally different in that childhood photo than she did as an adult. Seeing that photo gave me hope. I hoped that because her looks totally changed from childhood to adulthood, that one day I might be pretty. I think I was 10.

I don't remember anyone ever telling me I was pretty. I wasn't a pretty child and I know that.  My cousin was pretty.  And skinny.  I remember her telling me that kids at school would ask her why she was so skinny and I was so fat.  She would tell them that I'm not fat, just big boned.  I think I was 7.

I don't really remember when I started to feel pretty...maybe I still don't? I often look back at photos and remember how insecure I felt at that time. I usually also think, damn...I wish I looked like that now.

Why can't we appreciate our beauty all the time?  Why do we only look back and think how pretty we were back then?  Back when we were younger/thinner/prettier.

I know what I need to do but the path is not always clear.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Where ARE you?

Mike and I were at dinner the other night...It was perfect and wonderful and I've really come to cherish our time together. At some point during the night, I went to the bathroom. As I was washing my hands, I looked in the mirror and thought "gee, that girl looks homely". Not a good way to feel about your own reflection. When I got back to the table, I told mike that I gotta get my swagger back.

When I was living in Austin, I had MAD swagger! Ok, maybe not. But there was a lot less pressure living there and I generally felt pretty good about myself. I moved to Los Angeles and my confidence plummeted as my waist line expanded. Funny how that works.

Last week, Mike headed back to Africa and I went in to a slump. My slump had actually been approaching for awhile. I wasn't really accomplishing much with my fitness goals and starting to get discouraged. I don't think I was consuming enough calories with my exercise regimen and therefore started eating more. Only I wasn't making very good food choices. As I started eating more, I found reasons to work out less. My headaches weren't helping either. By last Saturday, I couldn't get out of bed. I had all these things I needed to accomplish and no desire to move.

It took me a few days to realize why I felt so down. I don't like what I see when I look in the mirror. The solution to this is easy. I take that back. The mathematical equation is easy...showing my work is not. I can use a calculator and show you that calories in must be fewer than calories out but actually doing and showing the work is far more difficult.

I made it out of bed that day and found my way to the gym. I've vowed to stop making excuses to miss appointments with my trainer, Jeff. When I am with Jeff I'm going to start giving it my all. I think I do anyway but I certainly complain the whole time we're working out. I will do at least 30 minutes of cardio a day. It may not be much but it's a start.

I overloaded myself with goals and quickly started doubting myself. Once doubt sets in, I give up. It's easier to not attempt a goal than it is to deal with failure. What I failed to realize was that by not trying at all, I was setting myself up for instant disappointment.

With Mike gone so much, it's really important that I continue to focus on me and what makes me a happy and confidant woman. The old saying is true...if you aren't happy with yourself, how can you expect others to be happy with you?

Don't let anybody take your happy....not even you.