Thursday, August 12, 2010


This week has been full of it.  But you know what?  That's ok.  Life is full of ups and downs and what matters most, to me, is my happiness.   and dangit!  I'm happy :)

I've gotten quite a bit of positive feedback from people reading my blog.  I wish people would comment HERE but I'll take what I can get.

My best friend from many moons ago contacted me recently about some books that I should check out.  They were  The Cancer Free Diet, Foods that Heal, Foods that Harm, and Taking Charge of Your Fertility.  I'm very excited to purchase all of these.  I wonder if Mike would mind if I bought an E-Reader while he's out of town....

I did day two of Couch 2 5k yesterday and I didn't do as well as I did on Sunday.  Mike went with me, which is awesome but I feel like I push myself more when I'm alone.  I shouldn't feel insecure running but for some reason... I do.  I'll do the third day tomorrow and then it's time to kick it up a notch!!

I am meeting with my trainer tonight and I really don't want to go.  After I took Mike to the airport this morning, I picked up my phone to text Jeff that I was canceling.  Then I remembered "no canceling with Jeff because I want to be lazy"... so I didn't cancel.  Good thing too because I ate three tacos today and had some coconut bliss ice cream.  I need extra cardio.

Wow... according to My Fitness Pal, my tacos were nearly 1200 calories.  That's a whole day's worth of food.  Ugh.  Going to the gym early tonight.


  1. I am glad you are excited about the books!

    I always say it is not what all you are doing to be healthy but that you never loose the drive to be healthy!

  2. That's a great thought!

    I'm reading TCOYF and wow... it's really interesting! I've already suggested it to two friends who are TTC so hopefully it helps them.

  3. Hey girlie! I just discovered your blog. I'm super excited for you since I've always been super into being healthy. That being said, I think you are eating way too few calories. No one should be eating only 1200 calories a day. At your height, weight and activity level, I'd say you need to eat around 1500 calories a day. Otherwise, your body is going to go into starvation mode and actually hold onto all that fat you are trying to lose.

    I'd recommend getting a subscription to Shape Magazine and Cooking Light. I grew up in a super southern family on crisco and fried food and both of those magazines taught me how to eat well and cook super easy amazing foods.

    You should break your day into 4-6 small meals - don't ever let yourself get ravenous and eat lunch lady! Otherwise you'll never get fit.

    I really like to track calories expenditures and food on It's super easy and does a good job of calculating how much you should be eating. Don't try to lose more than 1-2 lbs/week! And don't get discouraged if it doesn't come off right away.

    You are awesome! Way to go Terra!

  4. I think I'm usually eating about 1500 a day... or at least it balances out with my activity level.

    Lauren, I know you love your beer/wine just like me so I will listen to you! Thanks for all the links and stuff. I really appreciate it.
